TWO YEAR CONFIRMATION PREPARATION PROGRAM-  (2019-2020 is the initial year for Level 7, the 2nd year in the program)

  • Classes will meet on Sunday morning beginning on September 29th at 10:00 a.m. to 11:30 a.m. and on Tuesday Evening at 6:30 p.m. to 8:00 p.m.
  • Classes will meet twice monthly for 90 minutes.
  • The hours for Sunday classes were selected to enable the candidates to fulfill their weekly obligation of participating at Holy Mass. They may participate at Mass Saturday evening at 5:30 p.m. or Sunday at 8:00 a.m. or 12:00 p.m. (noon) or at a neighboring parish.
  • Due to the limited amount of classes (10 classes) candidates are expected to attend every class. We understand there are times when a candidate cannot be in attendance due to illness or a family commitment. However, they are expected to complete lessons that have been presented in class when they are not in attendance. We estimate there will be four sessions for Level 7. Two sessions will be conducted in the rectory classrooms and two will meet in the portable classrooms.
  • The text-book for classes will be “Confirmed in the Spirit” which consists of 10 chapters. There are a variety of reflective and active experiences. Each chapter builds upon the previous one and guides young people to take part in the lifelong Catholic practices of worship, prayer, stewardship, service with emphasis on the Corporal and Spiritual works of mercy and moral decision-making as they prepare for Confirmation.
  • To ensure candidates are grasping all that is required to be eligible to receive the sacrament, a chapter assessment will be administered upon completion of each chapter. The assessment will be created by the catechist using the chapter assessments in the back of the catechist guide. The catechist has the option to choose two of the four assessment areas, A, B, C, or D.   Graded assessment results should be given to the student and the parents must be notified of the results of each assessment.  A Final Assessment will be conducted in March to determine the candidates readiness for the reception of the sacrament.
  • There will be several opportunities for group service projects related to either the Corporal or Spiritual Works of Mercy, ie., collect food for “Mana on Main Street”, MLK Service Day, supplies for active duty military personnel, pro-life related works, etc. in conjunction with the Youth Ministry Program. Or, a candidate may perform a self-selected project with permission of their catechist. Candidates will be required to write one (1) paper highlighting all of the service projects the experiences, how they felt performing the tasks, what they learned, and would it change their way of thinking or impacting their lives.  The paper must be typed, double-space, a minimum of two (2) pages.
  • Each student will be required to demonstrate sufficient knowledge of the truths of the catholic faith. The “Confirmation Preparation Resource” contains pertinent information about basic catholic beliefs, elements of the Sacrament of Confirmation, and the traditional catholic prayers that must be memorized. Each candidate will receive the preparation resource as will each parent/guardian. This resource will also assist the candidates in learning the nature and effects of the Sacrament of Confirmation and prepare them to answer questions that may be asked by the bishop.


  • Parents and Guardians are to assist their children with their lessons ensuring they complete all assignments and are sufficiently prepared for each chapter assessment and the Final Preparation Assessment.
  • Parents/Guardians must attend a Confirmation Information Meeting before the beginning of the PREP year which will provide more details on the program, expectations for the candidates, parental involvement, and confirmation requirements, and answer questions.
  • A Parent/Guardian are required to attend with their child the Candidate/Parent Confirmation Retreat.
  • The candidate’s Sponsor must attend the Candidate/Sponsor Confirmation Practice on Wednesday evening, March 18, 2020 in the church.
    The Sacrament of Confirmation will be celebrated on Thursday Afternoon, March 19, 2020 at 4:00 p.m. 


It is the responsibility of the parent or guardian to ensure the candidates participation, completion, accuracy , and the timely submission of all Confirmation requirements.

  • Sunday Obligation: it is the obligation of each baptized Catholic to participate in the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass on a weekly basis to worship God, listen to His Word, receive the Holy Eucharist and to nourish their belief and faith. Regular Mass participation is a major element in eligibility for the reception of the Sacrament of Confirmation. Parents and Guardians are expected to encourage and support their children in this effort by being examples of faithful Catholics.
  • Confirmation Data Form: (source of individual’s information to be recorded in official church records) To be completed by parent – provides pertinent information about the candidate, e.g. baptismal date and parish, candidates chosen confirmation name, sponsor’s information, etc.
  • Candidate’s Baptismal Certificate: (not required if baptized at St. Cyril). Please contact the parish of your child’s baptism and request the baptismal certificate and submit to the PREP office.
  •  Sponsor’s Certificate of Eligibility: Sponsor must obtain a Certificate of Eligibility from their current parish which verifies they are a Catholic in good standing ( certificate of eligibility for St. Cyril’s parishioners )
  • Saints Report – each candidate must choose a confirmation name, which is usually the name of a saint or the child’s baptismal name. The candidate is required to submit a report identifying the saint, country of origin, personal information, etc. and the reason why they chose this saint, how this person has inspired them, etc.   The paper must be typed on 8 ½ x 11’ white paper, double spaced, and no less than two (2) full pages.
  • The following are a few resources to obtain information regarding saints;    www.theworkofgod/org.saints;
  •  Candidate Request for Pastor Approval it is the right and responsibility of the parish pastor to assure that each candidate for the Sacrament of Confirmation is eligible to receive the sacrament. As such, each candidate must submit a typed letter addressed to Monsignor Powell stating who they are, explaining why they are eligible to receive the sacrament, what the sacrament means to them, and request the pastor’s approval to be confirmed. Do not mail…submit with other requirements.