In early January, Archbishop Perez published a Pastoral Letter to the Archdiocese of Philadelphia, a copy of which is attached below.
In this letter, our Archbishop expresses his hopes and desires for the future of our Archdiocese. One of the topics he stressed since his arrival is his desire for each of us to understand our role as “Missionary Disciples” in our world. The future of the faith in the Archdiocese of Philadelphia is both exciting and challenging! At this point in our history, it is a time when we all need to engage in this important work of evangelization and adaptation. Now is the time for us to actively engage our faith, and to invite others to do the same. I strongly encourage you to read this letter with an open heart and mind, and to be ready to respond accordingly.
We at St. Cyril of Jerusalem Parish will be hosting one of the Archbishops’ “Archdiocesan Consultation Sessions” on Wednesday, April 30th from 6:30 – 8:30 pm in our Social Hall. There are many other sessions in other locations as well during which the people of the Archdiocese are invited to gather, to listen, and to respond so that this process can proceed with great confidence and strength.
Below, you also will find other resources, including an introductory video and a link to a website that has been established as a place for people to find more information on this exciting process! This process has been ongoing for some time, and we have now reached the implementary phase. Throughout this process, my brother priests and I have gathered to listen and respond to our Archbishop and to offer to him both words of encouragement and our ideas regarding the future of the Archdiocese.
I ask that you join me in prayer during this journey. We have grown as a parish over the past years and now we have an opportunity to build that growth. Let us work together as we move toward the future.
I ask you to keep me, our parish, and the Archdiocese in prayer. Know that I continue to keep you in my prayers. May God continue to bless all our efforts.
God Bless,
Msgr. Powell
Visit for more info.