Today’s gospel is one of the most important in the New Testament. Jesus gives us His personal insight concerning God the Father.
The first section of the Gospel tells us about the younger son. He demanded his share of the estate, thus considering his father as good as dead. He then spends all his inheritance on loose living. He ends up living in the worst possible conditions. Then he decides he would be better off as a servant of his father. He realizes that he is not worthy to be a son, but asks his father to take him on as a servant. He goes back to the father. Notice, he doesn’t say he is sorry and his motivation to return is so that he could live in a better situation. He is selfish and self-centered.
The next section of the parable reveals the heart of the father. He is compassionate. He runs to meet his son and embraces him. He not only restores the boy to his former dignity, but in his joy, he declares a feast. The father had never renounced the truth of his relationship with his son, and he acted on it. This is mercy, a movement of love based on the truth and the profound justice contained in the relationship.
Mercy looks to the person; pity looks to the need. Our Father has mercy and never parts from it: he is loyal to the relationship he has established with us in Christ.
Pope John Paul II said: “this prodigal son is man, every human being…like the father in this parable, God looks out for the return of His child, embraces Him when He arrives and orders the banquet of the new meeting with which the reconciliation is celebrated”(Reconciliation and Penance, N-5).
The older son often elicits sympathy from us and a sense of identification. Perhaps we also serve the Father and “never once disobey,” but more to secure our own safety than out of love for the Father. We would rather be safe based on our performance than free, based on the Father’s love. Such a freedom frightens us. May this parable move us into that realm of freedom. Let us obey and trust in a movement of love based on the truth of who the Father is and of His relationship to us.
God Bless,
Msgr. Powell