16th sunday in ordinary time

Jesus’ invitation to find a quiet place and rest a while is one of those timeless statements so often found in Scripture.  It is an invitation He extends in every age to every one of us.

Some of us get so caught up in the rhythm of this fast-paced society that we have trouble turning off the emotions racing inside us.  Our Lord’s invitation to rest is an indispensable call to all of us to find some much needed silence and solitude.

Our desert place can be anywhere we can get in touch with the presence and peace of God.  Any place where we can tune out the world’s noise and turn to the Lord within us can be a place of rest for us.  There we can relax our body and ease our mind.  We can listen to the Lord and discover deep within us new resources of strength and energy.

Unless we take time off to rest as Christ and His disciples did, our activity will be without direction, our work will become a drudgery and our life will lose its meaning.

We need a place and time to lay our worries before the Lord and let His Spirit heal us, a place and time to sort out our experiences and see things with greater clarity.

Jesus had His desert places. Where do you find some silence and solitude in order to rest a while with the Lord and be renewed by Him?

God Bless,

Msgr. Powell