17th Sunday in Ordinary Time

This week we begin to look at the sixth chapter of St. Johns’ Gospel.  This chapter begins with Jesus performing a miracle whose inner meaning is spelled out in the rest of the chapter.  The bread which Jesus multiplies for the crowd is a “sign” which discloses Jesus as the one who sustains us with His loving word and with the gift of His own  life in the Eucharistic Bread.

John’s account of this miracle is more Christ centered than the Synoptic Gospels.  For example Jesus “sees” the crowd “coming to Him;” He takes the initiative in feeding them and he distributes the loaves and fish Himself to the crowd.  They, on their part, acclaim Him as a prophet like Moses sent to feed His people and as the fulfillment of their hopes for a messianic king.  He “takes” and “gives” the bread, he “gives thanks” – this is all  language of the liturgy and recalls the Last Supper accounts in Mark’s Gospel and First Corinthians. The bread is indeed a sign of Jesus’ Eucharistic gift.

The Greek verb for “give thanks” is eucharisteo –  which gives us the word Eucharist.  Jesus is not content to give us earthly bread to satisfy our physical hunger.  Out of compassion Jesus offers us the Eucharist, the Bread of Life, to satisfy us eternally.

Only John’s Gospel tells us that this miracle took place around the time of Passover.  Only John specifies that Jesus multiplied barley bread.  In early Old Testament times, Passover incorporated the Feast of Unleavened Bread, a celebration of the barley harvest.  By multiplying barley bread at Passover time, Jesus was foreshadowing the replacement of Passover by the Eucharist.

God Bless,

Msgr. Powell

16th sunday in ordinary time

Jesus’ invitation to find a quiet place and rest a while is one of those timeless statements so often found in Scripture.  It is an invitation He extends in every age to every one of us.

Some of us get so caught up in the rhythm of this fast-paced society that we have trouble turning off the emotions racing inside us.  Our Lord’s invitation to rest is an indispensable call to all of us to find some much needed silence and solitude.

Our desert place can be anywhere we can get in touch with the presence and peace of God.  Any place where we can tune out the world’s noise and turn to the Lord within us can be a place of rest for us.  There we can relax our body and ease our mind.  We can listen to the Lord and discover deep within us new resources of strength and energy.

Unless we take time off to rest as Christ and His disciples did, our activity will be without direction, our work will become a drudgery and our life will lose its meaning.

We need a place and time to lay our worries before the Lord and let His Spirit heal us, a place and time to sort out our experiences and see things with greater clarity.

Jesus had His desert places. Where do you find some silence and solitude in order to rest a while with the Lord and be renewed by Him?

God Bless,

Msgr. Powell


15th sunday in ordinary time

The value that Jesus holds out to us in today’s gospel is the value of traveling lightly through life by living more simply.  It’s the value of not making too much of material things so that they get in the way of our reaching out to God in trust or to our neighbor in service.

When Jesus instructs us to travel lightly as we journey through life, He is not telling us that we have to get rid of our cars, empty our freezers,  clean out our closets or cut up our credit cards.   He is telling us not to let our material goods make us forget our dependence on God or harden our hearts to the poor.  He is urging us not to become selfish with what we have so that we become insensitive to the injustice and oppression that surround us.

In other words– we travel the safest in this life if we travel the lightest.  We gain more by giving than by getting.

God Bless,

Msgr. Powell