19th Sunday in Ordinary Time


Jesus proclaims, “I AM the bread of life” – the first of a series of “I AM” sayings in John’s Gospel in which Jesus both proclaims Himself to be the I AM (God), and identifies some aspect of how He brings us eternal life.  Whoever comes to Jesus and believes in Jesus will never again hunger or thirst; their basic needs of life will be satisfied by Jesus.  Our most basic life – need is not food or water but preservation from death.  And that is what Jesus grants to those who believe in Him: they will have eternal life and be raised up on the last day.

To believe in Jesus and accept the revelation He brings means to recognize that He has come from God.  Because He has come from God, He can reveal God to us – and He alone can do this, because no one else has ever seen God.  Belief is the key that opens the door to eternal life; belief that Jesus of Nazareth is the Word become flesh, the Son of God.

John’s Gospel puts great emphasis on having faith in Jesus – believing that He is who He says He is – because He is the source of eternal life: “Whoever believes has eternal life.”  To believe as Jesus asks us to believe is real faith – faith that is itself a gift from God.

As we come to Eucharist today, let us ask our Lord for true faith in Him.  Let us ask Him to open our eyes to the full reality of who He is and what He calls us to do in our life.

God Bless,

Msgr. Powell