This account of Jesus’ adolescence is the only passage in the Gospels that speak about Jesus’ life between His birth and His Baptism by John the Baptist. The center of the narrative is verse 49: “did you not know that I must be in my Father’s house?” The passage can also be translated “involved in my Father’s business” or “about my Father’s work.”
For the first time in the Gospel, Jesus calls God “my Father.” No matter which translation you use, the key idea is that as Gods’ Son, the purpose and goal of Jesus’ life is in relationship to His Father and in obedience to His will.
The account is filled with the anguish, confusion and shock experienced by a parent with the first harsh realization of adolescent independence. Jesus seems pulled between the compliant obedience He owed His parents and a higher calling involving His unique relationship with God.
It is difficult for us to simultaneously grasp the humanity and divinity of Jesus. Our images of Him usually reflect one or the other aspect of His identity, but rarely both. Today’s reading weaves the two dimensions together and gives us a great deal to ponder.
Luke tells us something important about the hidden years of Jesus’ life. He tells us that Jesus ”grew and became strong”; “he advanced in wisdom and age and favor before God and man.” He was obedient to Joseph and Mary.
In that Holy Family God prepared His Son to save us from sin and open the gates of heaven for us. That remarkable Holy Family is an example of love and obedience to God’s will which each and every family of our parish should imitate.