fifth sunday in ordinary time

The fisherman were washing their nets after fishing all night.  Jesus got into the boat of Simon Peter and asked him to go out to the deeper water.   It was a practical request because it served the purpose of getting Jesus away from the pressing crowd and still be able to teach the people.  It is also true that sound travels well across the water.  At this point Jesus begins to preach the word of God.

The word of God, manifested in preaching and teaching, is also exhibited in action.  When Peter witnesses the miraculous catch of fish, he recognizes that there is far more to Jesus than simply a profound teacher.  Peter’s response to Jesus is immediate: “Depart from me, Lord, for I am a sinful man.”

How natural it is for us when we are before God to focus on our sinfulness. Peter’s sins put him in doubt that he could be close to God.  And yet the point of the story is that Jesus can call a sinner into a close relationship with Him.  Jesus responds to Peter and our fears, which result from sin, that we need not part from God.  “Do not be afraid.”  What a message for all of us to remember.  Even though we are sinners, we need not fear God.  His  love and mercy are far greater than our sins and failures.  Peter learned this lesson and became a great fisher of mankind.  When we learn this lesson, God also has a great deal in store for us.

God Bless,

Msgr. Powell