32nd sunday in ordinary time

The generosity of the poor widow in today’s gospel is an example for all who seek to follow the way of Jesus.  This good woman puts her last few cents into the offering box.

The copper coin was the smallest coin in circulation.  Her gift was immeasurable because she had given her all.  She let go of every security and committed herself wholly to God.

Jesus was quick to point out this action to His disciples.

It takes faith to share material things when we have little for ourselves, or to volunteer our services when we don’t have enough time.  It takes faith to listen to others when we don’t have the energy, or to inspire joy in others when our own hearts feel empty.

This scene serves as a perfect transition to the account of Jesus’ Passion.  Jesus who came to serve would give everything he had, even His very life, for us.  He gave His all so you and I could go to heaven.

God Bless,

Msgr. Powell