Fifth Sunday of Easter

Jesus’ full command is, “do not let your hearts be troubled. You have faith in God; have faith also in me.”  It is only through faith that we can continue as disciples of Christ, following Him even though we do not see Him with bodily eyes, striving to love as he loved, even though we know that we, like His first disciples, fall woefully short.  It is only through faith that we can be peaceful instead of troubled and anxious.

Our faith is this: Jesus of Nazareth is the word—made—flesh, the one who came into the world in order to give us everlasting life.  Our faith is that Jesus is God’s revelation of  Himself to us, so that whoever sees Jesus sees the Father.  Our faith is that  Jesus has  blazed a path through death for us.  He has  gone  ahead of us to prepare our eternal reward so that where Jesus now is, we also may eternally be.  Our faith tells us that Jesus is drawing us, despite our frailties and failures, to Himself and His Father.

God Bless.

Msgr. Powell