28th Sunday in Ordinary Time

The parable today pictures a negative attitude of complacency.  The wedding banquet is a symbol of His Kingdom.  Everything is ready, but when the time comes for the feast to begin, none of the invited guests are present.

It is not so much that they refused to come, they merely had more important things to do and would come later.  Since the wedding banquet was not a high priority to them and would run well past midnight, the invited guests decided that rather than cancel or postpone their scheduled business, they would attend later.

In their view, the Kings wedding banquet could wait a while, whereas in the Kings view, this party would not wait.  Basically, Jesus was telling His disciples that the Kingdom of God is a matter of urgency and top priority; it demands our response here and now, and not at some other place and time.

Unfortunately most of us do not take our Lord’s invitation seriously.  How many times does he call His people to come to His weekly Eucharistic Banquet on Sundays, only to be ignored because there are more important things to do like, playing a game of golf, shopping or sleeping a little longer.  Think about it.  How many times does Jesus invite us to become more prayerful people, only to have us turn away to our television sets for a program or a sports event.  How often does Jesus invite us to be more helpful to others, only to have us look beyond their needs to our trivial pursuits or vain amusements?

On the one hand, it is sad to see people drift through life because they lack a sense of urgency.  On the other hand, it is exciting to experience people who have a strong sense of urgency about some Holy Grail in their life.  They pursue with passion liberty or learning or love of the Lord.  We all need to recognize opportunities that may never come again and reach out for growth and greatness.

The banquet of God’s Kingdom is ready, the invitations are sent, and an RSVP is attached.  The Lord is waiting for  your answer.

God Bless,

Msgr. Robert Powell


27th Sunday in Ordinary Time

The parable in today’s gospel describes God as a landowner who prepared a beautiful vineyard and gave it to His  people to tend.  However, the people wanted not just their share of the harvest, but the whole thing.  They even abused and killed the prophets God sent to help them.

Finally, in a desperate attempt to save His vineyard and His people, God sent His own Son, hoping they would respect and honor Him.  However, they abused and killed Him in an effort to seize His inheritance.

When we hear the story we first think of revenge.  We desire vengeance on the tenants.  However God chose another alternative— the alternative of unconditional love, and he is still doing it today.

No matter how far we wander away from Him like the lost sheep, he gently seeks us out and brings us back to Himself.  No matter how foolish or wasteful we have been with our lives, he is always ready to give us a new start.  No matter how hopeless or desperate our situation might become, He has already prepared a way out for us.

God calls us to be like Himself.  He calls us to follow His example.  He calls us to allow the hurts in our lives which might cause bitterness and hatred to become for us occasions for generous self-giving.

We can love unconditionally: an alcoholic in our family or among our friends; a spouse whose affection has become cold; a teenager who rejects our family  values; a neighbor or fellow worker who tells lies about us.  God calls us to allow Him to inspire us to feel beyond our own personal wounds, and reach out with compassion to heal the wounds of others who may be hurting more than we do.  By following Gods example of unconditional love, we can give new life to another person.

God Bless

Msgr. Powell


26th Sunday in Ordinary Time

In today’s Gospel, Jesus tells a story of two sons.  The parable dramatizes the classic difference between lip service and performance.  One son said he would obey his father but did not.  The second son, who refused to obey his father, later regretted the refusal and did what he was told.  Who was the greater man?  Who was obedient?  The apostles agreed it was the second son.   Jesus then applied the story to the pious person who uttered, all the correct religious platitudes but does his own thing.

Sinners, like the tax collectors and prostitutes of the time of Jesus, originally said no to God’s  command to live a good life (work in the vineyard).  Now that they hear the call to God’s Kingdom,  they respond to that call and are more likely to find the kingdom and ultimately obey the Father’s will.

The religious leaders of Jesus’ day put on a good show of being holy.  No doubt some of them were.  But Jesus was not impressed with many of them.  He wanted people to be honest with themselves.  He wanted people who, if they were sinners, would admit and get themselves  right with God.

Talk is not going to impress God.  Excuses are not going to impress God.  It is the good that we do that pleases God and bring us to eternal happiness.  We can make lots of promises to ourselves about what we are going to do tomorrow, but it is what we actually do that really matters.  Jesus explains to us that if we are not doing what is right, it is never too late  to change our mind.

God Bless

– Msgr. Powell