The Epiphany of our Lord

The Magi lived outside the Holy Land.  They saw the star and knew something very special had happened to the world.  St. Matthew tells us that they saw the star and knew they had to follow it.

If you want to find a practical lesson today, think about the message of the star.  God sees to it that people who really care, who are really looking for right answers, will find Jesus.  Jesus  Himself said: “time of the star” will surely emerge, as it did for the Magi.

God makes sure  that the gospel of love reaches out to all people everywhere.  What is important is that we who have experienced a time of the star in our lives can help others—by our witness, kindness, service – to see the star of Christ.

All around our neighborhood there are many people for various reasons who have never taken the time to look up to see if there is a star in the heavens for them.  Our joy in Gospel living, our service to others, even the very way we speak or act, can help these people look up.  We call this evangelization: drawing others to search for and experience the light and warmth of the Star of  Bethlehem.  This Epiphany we ask God to help us in this effort.

God Bless

Msgr. Powell