The Most Holy Body and Blood of Christ

Do you believe strongly in Christ’s presence in the Eucharist?  On the Feast of Corpus Christi (the Body and Blood of the Lord), we have an opportunity to reaffirm our faith in the Eucharist.  This day we can take our stand and accept God’s covenant gift with us.  We can tell the Lord that we believe all He said at the Last Supper about the Eucharist.

During our journey through life we sometimes have to cross deserts, encounter accidents endure disappointments or suffer tragedies.  By ourselves we could never survive.  Left to our own strength we would give up.  That is why we need the Eucharist and the strength that comes from this sacred bread to energize our spirits.  This is why we need God’s special presence and power.

In Mark’s gospel we read how our Lord left the upper room and walked out to the Mount of Olives.  What He left was the Last Supper during which He instituted the sacrament of the Eucharist.  His walking out to the Mount of Olives was also something very sacramental and symbolic.  Jesus was showing that He was ready for His destiny and that He was resolved to lay down His life for us on the cross.

May this often be our own experience after celebrating the Eucharist.  Coming into church we may be afraid of what we have to face in the future.  But when we leave, may we be resolved to take up our cross.  Coming in to church we may have serious doubts about how to deal with certain difficulties.  But when we leave,  may we be filled with determination to do what God expects of us.

As we celebrate the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass pray for faith in the Eucharist.  Pray for a faith which firmly believes that Christ is always present in the Eucharist, regardless of how absent He may seem to be at times.  Pray for a faith which believes that Christ’s power is always available to us, regardless of how helpless we may feel at times.  Pray for a faith which enables us to walk with the Lord to our own Mount of Olives and rise with Him in glory.

God Bless,

Msgr. Powell


Just as our body needs food to live, so to do Christians need another kind of food for our spirits to live. The food par excellence for our spirits is the Sacrament of the Eucharist. Without food we cannot live a full human life and enjoy health, work, learning and freedom.

It is no different in our life of the Spirit. Without the food of the Eucharist we become weak and incapable of reaching out to help others; we become easy victims to temptation and depression. Without the bread of life we quickly lose interest in reading Scripture and in praying; we lose our freedom in the Spirit and become enslaved by the materialism of the world. In other words, we need the Eucharist to become fully alive in our spiritual life.

As a Church, we are the Spirit-filled people of God who feed the Eucharist in faith as a sign of our total dependence on the Lord as the ultimate source of our life. We the Church—you and me—are the Mystical Body of Jesus Christ. We are a people who share our bread with others— bread for the hungry by helping the poor; bread for the oppressed by fighting for justice; bread for the lonely by offering friendship; bread for the despairing by giving encouragement.

There is no need for physical or spiritual hunger. We need to work together to become a Spirit— filled people who feed on the Eucharist and share it with others. Pray that we may truly become a people of Faith who through the Bread of Life can fulfill all our needs.

God Bless

Msgr. Powell